Having a closed mind

In the past, I was a little disappointed the comments by a respected photographer I resepected. He mentioned that he doesn’t look at photos that have a watermark on them. I really respected his opinion on photography and really wanted to believe he had something valid to contribute.

However, my position is that I sometimes use a watermark. Right or wrong It’s my choice to add a watermark to some of my images. But to invalidate my work because it has a watermark (or NOT) is like people who are short-sighted with regards to Photoshop or HDR images. You’re not giving the art a chance.

The so-called purist who doesn’t edit his photos and hates all things photoshop or HDR is a very short-sighted person.

A person who won’t review an image because it has a watermark is also short-sighted.

Here’s the real lesson, the day you close your mind to some side of art because it doesn’t fulfill some arbitrary limit your vision becomes clouded.